CDL graduation announcement

PlanBlue is proud to announce its graduation from the Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) Melbourne Prime 2023/24 program.
CDL is a nonprofit organization that delivers an objectives-based program for massively scalable, seed-stage, science- and technology-based companies. Its nine-month program allows founders to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and investors, increasing their likelihood of success.
We had the opportunity to dive into the specifics of hiring, pricing strategy, contracts and negotiation, the carbon market, and fundraising with top notch mentors, like Cibby Pulikkaseril, Eeshan Kulkarni, Rick Klink, James Crowley, Nathan Kirchner, and Blair Healy
The mentors kept us on our toes, showed us new angles to look at challenges we are dealing with, and challenges we hadn’t even thought about yet!
We are looking forward to the next stage, working in more detail with Cibby Pulikkaseril and Blair Healy.
For more information on CDL:
planblue GmbH
We combine hyperspectral imaging, precise underwater navigation and AI-based automated data processing to ground-truth satellite, aerial and hydrographic imagery to scale nature-based solutions.
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