How we started

PlanBlue was founded in 2017 by two former marine scientists and two engineers to enable high-quality seafloor mapping, inspired by satellite technology. Over the years, we developed groundbreaking innovations in underwater imaging and AI-based analysis, rigorously testing our technology in diverse markets around the world.
We showcased our expertise and vision on the global stage, presenting at international conferences and establishing ourselves as thought leaders in the field. Today, we are proud to be a trusted partner for large-scale, country-wide marine mapping contracts, delivering actionable insights for sustainable ocean management.

What drives us

We are more than just an innovative solution and data provider - we are dedicated partners and passionate ocean advocates, committed to the large-scale restoration of marine habitats.

Our aim is to provide actionable data to identify and help mitigate ecosystem stressors, working to restore our oceans at scale.

This is our team


CSO & Co-Founder

Hannah Brocke

CEO & Co-Founder

Joost den Haan

CTO & Co-Founder

Guy Rigot

Innovation Specialist & Co-Founder

Raja Kandukuri

Project Director

Naomi Esken

Product Owner (Geospatial)

Leonardo Tamborrino

Head of Brand & User Experience

Christoph Schroeder

Business Operations Manager

Wietse Boer

Senior Visual Designer

Pascal Seul

Office Manager

Rosanna Schöneich-Argent

Project Director

Svenja Diester

HR Operations Specialist

Jannet Allani

FieldTools Squad

Head of Engineering

Mike Lee

Senior Development Engineer

Nils Öhlmann

Development Engineer

Ibad Rather

Mechanical Design Engineer

Saurabh Verma

3D Lighting & Rendering Specialist

Drew Deguara

Senior Software Engineer

Helge Staedtler

DataScience Squad

Data Scientist

Anna-Lea Lesage

Data Science Consultant

Tadzio Holtrop

Software Architect

Marten Ellssel

Senior Software Developer

Julius Hetzel

Marine Scientist

Andreas Türke

Data Scientist

Moritz Baumann

Senior Data Scientist

Waleed Khan

Senior Data Scientist

Yara Aly

planblue GmbH
Fully-automated seafloor intelligence to drive your nature-positive operations.
Contact us
+49 421 2208120
Fahrenheitstrasse 1
28359 Bremen
Social Media
© 2025 PlanBlue GmbH. All rights reserved
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